Western Wildflower Mix Seed Packets
Western Wildflower Mix Seed Packets
This Western Pollinator Seed annual and perennial mixture is for ornamental landscaping in the western U.S. and Canada. Use it for elevations below 7,000 feet in CO, ID, western KS, MT, western NE, northern NV, ND, eastern OR, SD, UT, eastern WA, WY, southern Alberta, southeast British Columbia and southern Saskatchewan. For elevations above 7,000 feet, use the Mountain Mix.
Flowers will provide color throughout the growing season. This mixture contains native species as well as non-native species that are adapted to the region.
Region: Western
- Lifecycle: Annual/Perennial Mix
- Sun Requirement: sun
- Seeds Per Packet: 440
- Bloom Season: Late Spring into Fall
- Height: Varies
- Uses: cut flowers, supports regional pollinators like bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds
- Low Maintenance : yes
- Sowing Method: Direct Soil
Annual Candytuft, Perennial Lupine, Siberian Wallflower, California Poppy, Blue Flax, Dwarf Blue Cornflower, Blanketflower, Indian Blanket, Corn Poppy, Rocky Mountain Penstemon, Prairie Coneflower, Clarkia, Globe Gilia, Plains Coreopsis, Showy Goldeneye
Plant in well-drained cultivated soil during early spring or fall (recommended in mild climates). For best results, loosen soil with rake or hoe. Mix seeds with a cup of sand or other inert material and spread over calculated area. Lightly rake seed into soil or cover with peat moss or similar light mulch. Keep soil moist until plants begin to grow.